Accueil › International › Etudier à Lille – EN
In accordance with its tradition and the values of the Catholic University of Lille, the Faculty which is the only private non-profit medical faculty in France, welcomes European and international students for internship.
You want to follow all of your schooling at the Faculty, in France :
Your application must be validated by Campus France by following the steps set by this French agency. The Faculty cannot interfere in the process, which depends entirely on the instructions provided by Campus France
YOU WANT TO FOLLOW a short course and/or internship period AT THE FACULTY, IN FRANCE
You can join our staff for 4 weeks to a year, from the 3rd year of Medicine or 4th year of Maieutics. We only welcome students from partner structures agreed with the Faculty. The educational managers of European and international students under agreement must contact the International Relations Coordinator, [email protected] in order to submit an application.
You will find all the documents requested, the names of the departments and hospitals as well as the Faculty educational calendar with the ECTS credits allocated by discipline here :
Vie pratique
In order to faciliate your stay and your immersion in the French culture of Lille, we advice you to register on the platform « Livin » which will help you in the step of your installation. This service is totally free and bilingual !
Campus Vauban
03 20 13 41 30
Adresse physique :
56 rue du Port
59046 Lille cedex
Adresse postale :
60 Boulevard Vauban
CS 40109
59016 Lille Cedex
Campus Humanicité
03 28 36 10 10
Adresse physique et postale :
2 rue Theodore Monod CS 40911
59465 Lomme Cedex
Accueil ouvert du lundi au vendredi
de 7h45 à 12h15 et de 13h30 à 17h
Attention, il est nécessaire de posséder un badge pour accéder aux campus. Pour obtenir un badge visiteur sur le campus Vauban merci de bien vouloir vous rendre au pc sécurité au 60 boulevard vauban. Pour le campus Humanicité, merci de bien vouloir prendre rendez-vous auprès de l’accueil téléphonique de ce campus.